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A division of Tonic Promotions, Tonic Events, has been established to satisfy ongoing requests from clients for a Cape Town-based events company operating at the same standards to which Tonic Promotions has become synonymous.

Tonic Events is a full event management operation for corporate or private events from the concept development, to the procurement of equipment, the correct profiling and appointment of event staff, and finally to the implementation and management of successful events.

The hands-on Tonic team works closely with each and every client ensuring the correct objectives or outcomes are realised in advance. Their valuable experience gained and sheer dedication to every event certainly places them in a league of their own.


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Launches . Conferences . Golf Days . Year-End Functions . Corporate Events . Private Events . Sports Events . Festivals . Concerts . Conceptualisation . Equipment Hire . Branding .  Training Sessions

Bar Staff . Waitrons . Hostesses . Supervisors . Brand Ambassadors . Performers


