Tonic Events

[av_section color=’main_color’ custom_bg=” src=’’ attachment=’26’ position=’top center’ repeat=’no-repeat’ attach=’fixed’ min_height=” padding=’no-padding’ shadow=’no-shadow’ id=”][/av_section] [av_section color=’main_color’ custom_bg=” src=” position=’top left’ repeat=’no-repeat’ attach=’scroll’ min_height=” padding=’default’ shadow=’no-shadow’ id=”] [av_one_half first] [av_textblock] [/av_textblock] [av_hr class=’short’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’right’] [av_textblock] A division of Tonic Promotions, Tonic Events, has been established to satisfy ongoing requests from clients for a Cape Town-based

Tonic Promotions

[av_section color=’main_color’ custom_bg=” src=’’ attachment=’26’ position=’top center’ repeat=’no-repeat’ attach=’fixed’ min_height=” padding=’no-padding’ shadow=’no-shadow’ id=”][/av_section] [av_section color=’main_color’ custom_bg=” src=” position=’top left’ repeat=’no-repeat’ attach=’scroll’ min_height=” padding=’default’ shadow=’no-shadow’ id=”] [av_one_half first] [av_image src=’’ attachment=’29’ align=’left’ animation=’left-to-right’ link=” target=”] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’30’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’] [av_iconlist position=’left’] [av_iconlist_item title=’Revitalising Brands’ link=” linktarget=” icon=’ue809′ font=’entypo-fontello’] In-store Activations . Expositions . Exhibitions .


Who we are Established in 2006, Tonic Promotions is a Cape Town-based company specialising in a variety of Promotions and Events. With our team of dedicated individuals, we work closely with our clients to offer them unique concepts and hassle free activations. Tonic has partners throughout Southern Africa and can supply clients with management services