[av_section color=’main_color’ custom_bg=” src=’http://tonicpromotions.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/title_bar3.jpg’ attachment=’26’ position=’top center’ repeat=’no-repeat’ attach=’fixed’ min_height=” padding=’no-padding’ shadow=’no-shadow’ id=”][/av_section]

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In-store Activations . Expositions . Exhibitions . Golf Days .  Road Shows . Intersection Drops . Beach Activations . Centre Court Activations . Varsity / School Handouts . Night Club Activations . Taxi Rank Activations .  Product Training . Market Research . Focus Groups . Branding & Apparel . Mystery Shopping . Supervision .  Feedback ReportsIn-store Activations . Expositions . Exhibitions . Golf Days .  Road Shows . Intersection Drops . Beach Activations . Centre Court Activations . Varsity / School Handouts . Night Club Activations . Taxi Rank Activations .  Product Training . Market Research . Focus Groups . Branding & Apparel . Mystery Shopping . Supervision .  Feedback Reports


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Tonic provides a platform utilising various marketing mediums where a product can be introduced to the consumers, viz. in-store, shopping centres, beaches, intersections, expositions and other areas of consumer interaction.

The premise on which we work is to manage the entire campaign from the recruiting and training of staff members for the activation, to the procurement & management of promotional elements, executing local or national rollout, supervising each campaign and importantly offering prompt and accurate feedback to our clients – all this is executed through one point of contact.

Tonic Promotions offers the provision of thoroughly trained and well-groomed Brand Ambassadors ensuring the corporate or brand image of the product is maintained above industry standards.

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[av_button label=’View Gallery’ link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue82b’ font=’entypo-fontello’]

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